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Meramec Contemporary Art Gallery

About the Gallery

The gallery is a climate controlled 1700 sq. ft. space which hosts a wide array of sculptural, painting, drawing, graphics and installation exhibits throughout the year.

In addition to nationally touring displays and shows by prominent local artists, Meramec's gallery is also the place to see some of St. Louis' most impressive student artwork. A full, continuous schedule of exhibits assures a wide variety of quality artwork throughout the school year.

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Gallery Location
Humanities East Building, Room 133

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Gallery Hours
Monday-Thursday | Noon - 4 p.m.
Or by appointment

Current Exhibit

Alumni Showcase

The new work and creative accomplishments from successful alumni of the programs of STLCC-Meramec’s department of communication, design and creative arts will be presented in the sixth installment of this series.

Meramec Contemporary Art Gallery Photos


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Start your career and use your creativity with degrees in art and design.

Explore the School of Communication, Design and Creative Arts.

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