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STLCC Police Department

STLCC Police Mission Statement

Members of the Campus Police Department shall provide a safe environment for the College community that promotes the nurturing of student success and achievement. In these efforts, they will strive for total community engagement, promote accountability and continual growth and improvement. Guided by their Core Values, they will enforce all applicable laws and College regulations. The protection of life is paramount as is the vital consideration of the civil rights of all.

Core Values

Professionalism, Respect and Courtesy in Law Enforcement

Vision Statement

The St. Louis Community College Police Department strives to provide a safe atmosphere for students, faculty, staff and visitors through excellence in law enforcement services. We truly are part of the community we are sworn to serve.

Campus Police Leadership

Police Captain

Benjamin Talley | btalley@stlcc.edu

Police Lieutenants


Adis Becirovic | abecirovic1@stlcc.edu

Florissant Valley

Terri Buford | tbuford1@stlcc.edu

Forest Park

David Berryman | dberryman2@stlcc.edu

Wildwood & Corporate College

Bill Ozmec | wozmec@stlcc.edu

Command Staff

Chief Al Adkins

Director of Public Safety & Emergency Management

Alfred J. Adkins | aadkins2@stlcc.edu | 314-539-5266

A Message from the Director

STLCC Police on Campus

Always call 911 in an emergency.

Whether you’re reporting an emergency or are simply looking for someone to walk you to your car, you can contact your campus police at the following number:

Police Dispatch Center: 314-539-5999

Additional Resources

You may think our campus police are only there to help in an emergency, but our security team can assist in you in a number of ways while you are on campus.

Report a Crime

Victims of or witnesses to a crime on campus are strongly encouraged to report the crime immediately to STLCCPD: by coming in person to the department, by dialing 314-539-5999 or by using the Blue Light Emergency Telephone System.

Lost & Found

Did you find or lose something while you were on campus? College Police offers a campus lost and found service and may be able to help you out.

Jump-starts & Lockouts

Locked out? Dead Battery? No problem. Nothing hinders the end-of-the-day excitement like coming to your car and seeing your keys sitting on the driver’s seat of your locked car, or the heart-wrenching click-click-click of a dead car battery. Call campus police for assistance.

Safety Escorts

Anytime a student, staff or visitor feels uncomfortable on our campuses, they can ask for an escort.

Emergency Call Boxes

Help is just a push of a button away. These bright red boxes with blue lights on top can be found across our campuses. If you find yourself in an emergency, bad situation or needing assistance, all you have to do is press the red button. Remember, the boxes work like walkie-talkies, so after you hear an officer respond, you will need to press the button again to talk.

Explore information for the specific hazards that are most likely to impact the STLCC campuses below.

Emergency Procedures

Welcome to the St. Louis Community College Police Department Tips Page. The information you shared will remain anonymous. Please DO NOT use these formats for an emergency or to file a crime report. If there is a crime in progress or you are reporting on an incident where you need an officer, please dial 911 or call the St. Louis Community College Police Department at 314-539-5999.

STLCC Alerts

In the event of a campus emergency, it's our goal to keep you informed as quick as possible. Every student, faculty and staff members are automatically enrolled in STLCC Alerts - the College’s emergency messaging system.

STLCC Alerts

Clery Act

The best way to keep you safe is complete transparency about crime on campus. Crime on campus is rare, but if something does happen, we want you to be aware.

As required by the U.S. Department of Education, pursuant to the Jeanne Clery Act, our Campus Crime Report is published annually before the end of September, and is available in paper copy upon request. This report contains information on campus security and personal safety, and provides statistics for the three previous calendar years regarding reported crimes that occurred on campus, in off-campus buildings owned or controlled by the College and on public property within or immediately adjacent to and accessible from a campus.

To comply with federal mandates, STLCC has prepared its annual security report as a valuable resources for the students and communities we serve.

2023 Annual Security Report

The Daily Crime and Fire Log for the last 60 days is open to public inspection, upon request, during normal business hours (M-F, 8am-5pm). Any other portion of the log older than 60 days will be made available for public inspection within two business days upon request. 

STLCC has also posted a list of emergency training and tests conducted during the calendar year, per requirements of the Jeanne Clery Act. Please review the 2021 Summary of Emergency Tests.

Crimes may also be reported to a Campus Security Authority (CSA). The Clery regulations found in 34 CFR 668.46 (a) defines a Campus Security Authority in the following manner:

A College police department or a campus security department of an institution; Any individual or individuals who have responsibility for campus security but who do not constitute a College Police Department or a campus security department under paragraph (1) of this definition, such as an individual who is responsible for monitoring entrance into institutional property; Any individual or organization specified in an institution's statement of campus security policy as an individual or organization to which students and employees should report criminal offenses; An official of an institution who has significant responsibility for student and campus activities, including, but not limited to student discipline and campus judicial proceedings. If such an official is a pastoral or professional counselor as defined below, the official is not considered a campus security authority when acting as a pastoral or professional counselor.

Specific examples of CSAs at St. Louis Community College:

  • College police and security officers
  • Campus senior student affairs officers
  • Managers of Campus Life
  • TRiO program directors
  • Athletic director and coaches
  • Faculty, and staff advisors to student clubs
  • Campus provosts or deans

Students, staff and visitors to any campus of St. Louis Community College are strongly encouraged to report any suspicious persons/circumstances, criminal conduct, or emergency incidents to these Campus Security Authorities so that appropriate decisions on timely warning reports and annual statistical disclosures can be determined.

It will be the role of the CSAs to be there for students as someone to whom they can report crimes, look to for guidance if they have been victims of a crime, or ask if they simply need advice as to whether they should report an incident. If an individual chooses not to report a crime to a representative of STLCCPD and chooses the local police, CSAs can assist an individual in contacting the appropriate authorities (St. Louis City or St. Louis County Police Department, as appropriate). Please note that on-campus crimes reported to these agencies will typically be referred to the STLCCPD, including if it is the College Police that has the enforcement jurisdiction for the campuses. The CSAs will not be responsible for taking any actions in regard to suspected perpetrators of a crime, nor are they to make any judgments as to whether a crime took place; they are simply responsible for reporting crimes to STLCCPD. The CSAs are also not responsible for encouraging victims of a crime to contact the police if victims do not want the police contacted.

CSAs submit information on crimes to STLCCPD for inclusion into the crime statistics, as required by law under the Clery Act for all institutions of higher education that receive federal financial aid. The statistical information collected for this report will not contain any names or specific locations to maintain the confidentiality of a victim.

Crimes may also be reported anonymously by going to the following website and completing the report form: www.stlcc.edu/bit. The completed form will be reviewed by the appropriate campus Behavior Intervention Team chair.

Campus Crime Prevention

In an effort to enhance the safety of the college community and to provide tips to help prevent violent crime, St. Louis Community College provides the following information.

These tips represent best practices and come from the National Crime Prevention Council.

  • Don’t walk or jog early in the morning or late at night when the streets are deserted.
  • When out at night, try to have a friend walk with you.
  • Carry only the money you’ll need on a particular day.
  • Don’t display your cash or any other inviting targets such as pagers, cell phones, hand-held electronic games, or expensive jewelry and clothing.
  • If you think someone is following you, switch directions or cross the street. If the person continues to follow you, move quickly toward an open store or restaurant or a lighted house. Don’t be afraid to yell for help.
  • Try to park in well-lighted areas with good visibility and close to walkways, stores, and people.
  • Make sure you have your key out as you approach your door.
  • Always lock your car, even if it’s in your own driveway; never leave your motor running.
  • Do everything you can to keep a stranger from getting into your car or to keep a stranger from forcing you into his or her car.
  • If a dating partner has abused you, do not meet him or her alone. Do not let him or her in your home or car when you are alone.
  • If you are a battered spouse, call the police or sheriff immediately. Assault is a crime, whether committed by a stranger or your spouse or any other family member. If you believe that you and your children are in danger, call a crisis hotline or a health center (the police can also make a referral) and leave immediately.
  • If someone tries to rob you, give up your property—don’t give up your life.
  • If you are robbed or assaulted, immediately report the crime to the police. Try to describe the attacker accurately. Your actions can help prevent someone else from becoming a victim.

Further crime prevention information can be found at http://www.ncpc.org.

Recently, televised media has been broadcasting reports about “Road Rage”, both locally and nationally. Unfortunately, many motorists are short tempered and can cause serious accidents or personal injury due to their inability to handle situations life throws at them. Sometimes they take their frustrations out on other driver’s. We’ve all seen them. Road rage incidents occur:

In heavy traffic, when driver’s cut each other off, from tailgating, distracted driving, weaving in and out of traffic, rude gestures, speeding or driving too slow or from just plain rude behavior from vehicle occupants; just to name a few.

The STLCC Police Department wants to help and hopefully the below suggestions can assist Students, Faculty and Staff of the STLCC community in avoiding some of these incidents:

  • Drive defensively, always paying attention to vehicles and road conditions around you. This allows you extra time to adjust to changing traffic flows or other motorists actions;
  • If you notice someone tailgating you or driving erratically, move over and allow them to pass;
  • Don’t visibly overact to the bad driving habits of others, remain calm and keep driving;
  • Plan ahead; allow time for the unexpected delay during your journey;
  • Use your horn sparingly, not to send a negative message;
  • Avoid eye contact with angry drivers;
  • Expect other driver’s to make mistakes;
  • Always check your blind spots, use rear facing mirrors and use your turn signals when changing lanes or turning;
  • Traffic jams occur every day, be patient;
  • Drive the speed limit and avoid tailgating yourself;
  • Accidents occur, but remember, they are after all "ACCIDENTS";
  • Don’t text or read text messages while driving;
  • Listen to music while you drive and don’t show angry emotions to other drivers;
  • Remember, a few minutes late for your appointment won’t matter, take your time and drive like your and other lives depend on it.

  • Research your trip, your hotel and the surrounding areas;
  • Research the sites you want to visit. If possible, check the reported crimes in that area;
  • Scan a copy of your passport and driver’s license and email a copy to yourself;
  • Don’t flash large amounts of cash while you are out. Keep large amounts in the hotel safe, a small amount in your wallet or purse and an even smaller amount for spending in your pocket;
  • If you need cash, be mindful at ATM’s and protect your password;
  • Leave your itinerary with someone you trust;
  • Don’t answer the door in your hotel without verifying who’s on the other side and check with the lobby desk if you’re skeptical;
  • Try not to travel alone at night, travel in groups or with a friend;
  • Keep an eye on your luggage at all times;
  • Be alert to your surroundings and keep your cell phone handy;
  • Try to utilize well-traveled routes and stay on the beaten path;
  • Enjoy your time away and make some memories.

Before you hop in, take a second to double-check the app for your driver's information. Follow these 3 steps to make sure you get into the right car:

Step 1

Match the license plate number.

Step 2

Match the car make and model.

Step 3

Check the driver's photo.

View More Uber Ride Safety Tips

  1. Use smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. Change batteries every six months. Change detectors every 10 years.
  2. Have at least two ways to escape a house fire and practice at least twice a year.
  3. Have an identified gathering point away from your home to account for everyone.
  4. If you use your fire place, make sure the flue is clean.
  5. Have a working fire extinguisher, flashlight, and if needed, an emergency ladder.
  6. Sleep with your bedroom doors closed.
  7. Smoke is dangerous -- get low, stay low and get out.
  8. Don't leave food cooking on the stove or candles burning unattended.
  9. Don't leave space heaters unattended.
  10. Get out, stay out and call for help.  

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