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Animal Welfare Program

Professional Development

Offered through Continuing Education

@ Meramec

If animals are your passion but you’re not sure where you fit, this animal welfare program will help you sort out the options, focus on your strengths, and build the knowledge base you’ll need for a successful future in animal welfare organizations.

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The Animal Welfare Assistant Program is a non-credit Continuing Education program at St. Louis Community College. This certificate is a great starting point for individuals who plan to work in any animal-related field. You’ll get a realistic view of what it’s like to work with the wide variety of animals, agencies, and people you’ll encounter along the way. You’ll be introduced to a range of opportunities. With the completion of this certificate, you’ll be a better prepared applicant for your next job or volunteer position in animal welfare.

Program Courses

These classes can be taken individually, or as part of the Animal Welfare Assistant Certificate Program for initial training and preparation for work in a range of public and private animal welfare agencies and organizations. Presented in partnership with the APA of Missouri, Humane Society of Missouri, and St. Louis County Animal Care & Control.

Career & Volunteer Opportunities in Animal Welfare Agencies

Animals are wonderful! If you agree, you may have thought about working with them (or for their welfare). If you’ve considered the possibility of a career or volunteer position in the wide world of animal welfare but aren't sure where you fit into the picture, this class can help you sort through the possibilities. You’ll learn about the personal rewards and benefits of working directly with animals as well as things you can do indirectly (and locally) for their benefit.

Animal Welfare & the Humane Movement

What does the term “animal welfare” bring to your mind? There are different facets of “animal welfare,” and the work of animal welfare agencies in the St. Louis metro area are built on different viewpoints. In this class, you’ll get insight into the history of the animal welfare/humane movement in the United States and where we are today. We’ll also trouble-shoot community animal welfare needs and possible solutions.

Animal Care Basics for Animal Welfare Workers

In this class it’s all about the animals! We’ll cover basic health considerations, including prevention measures and spay/neuter issues. Acquiring some knowledge of animal behavior is a vital key to safe handling for yourself and the animals you work with. You’ll learn about caring and feeding a variety of animals, including what to do in disaster situations to assure their safety and well-being. You’ll hear from several shelters, who’ll explain their basic animal care-taking operations. If you’re interested in working directly with animals, this class is a must!

Getting to Know Us: St. Louis Animal Welfare Organizations

St. Louis has many large and small organizations of all types involved in animal welfare activities, such as rescues and shelters, adoptions, pet food pantries, emergency and investigation teams, clinics, advocacy groups, and more. They all have difference roles, approaches, and ways of operating but it takes everyone in the community to meet the needs of our local animals. The good news is that there are a wide range of animal welfare-related activities in the St. Louis metro area and opportunities for involvement for people with a variety of interests and skills (like you!). A panel of representatives from local agencies will present their stories and answer your questions.

Investigations, Rescues, Legalities, and Legislative Issues

Here’s your chance to hear first-hand accounts from the real world of animal welfare investigations and rescues. You’ll find out how investigators work and how animal welfare agencies and the law handle violations. You’ll learn about the legal issues (how does our society define “adequate care and control” of animals?) as well as advocacy and legislation related to animal welfare.

The “People” Ingredient: Working in an Animal Welfare Organization

If you’re thinking about working or volunteering in an animal welfare agency, you’ll need a variety of important “people” skills. There are so many possibilities: you may be matching pets with new families, working with people surrendering their pets, fielding lots of questions, educating adults and kids in the community, or interacting with other agency staff. In this class, you’ll gain an overview of many of the skills you’ll need to perform a variety of tasks within animal welfare organizations. There are many joys and rewards to working in animal welfare, but some sadness, too, so we’ll share with you our ways of coping with the inevitable heart-breaking side of the business.



Ready to Register?

For more information or to register, please call 314-984-7777.

Apply for your completion certificate:

The Animal Welfare Assistant Program is a non-credit Continuing Education program at St. Louis Community College.

Certificate requires completion of all six classes listed above. Upon successful completion of the course requirements, certificate candidates must submit an application to the Office of Continuing Education. After transcript verification, the certificate will be awarded.

Submit Certificate Completion Form


“This class is fun! As one of the instructors, I can feel the energy when I enter the room. These students are going to put their compassion into action—giving me great hope for the future cause of animal welfare.”

- Sue Gassner, Humane Society of Missouri

“I am a long-time volunteer with a local animal rescue organization, and was curious about finding a niche to pursue as a second career. After taking this series of classes, I have found several new avenues to explore. The individuals representing the APA of Missouri, Humane Society of Missouri and St. Louis County Animal Care and Control are very passionate, knowledgeable and honest about what it takes to work and volunteer in animal welfare. The classes individually were very compelling; the certification is a bonus.”

- Pat M., Student

“I loved the compassion of the participating organizations towards animals. I appreciated getting to know how “the system” works for animals and people. It was an eye-opening overview providing the necessary resources to become more involved in the cause.”

-Julie P., Student

"I started taking the Animal Welfare classes because I love animals and wanted to know what I could do to help homeless cats and dogs in particular. I had done some volunteering with a cat rescue, mainly clerical duties and some event attendance. By the time I was midway through the program, I had increased my volunteering to include interviewing potential adopters. Then, I started fostering kittens and cats. When the Animal Welfare program was completed, I had already fostered and found homes for over a dozen cats, and was fostering a pregnant momma cat, who gave birth to six wonderful kittens – and then took in a 7th one that had been abandoned. This program helped me realize that each person can make a difference. You can’t change the world, but you can save individual animals – getting them medical care, finding them good homes and teaching them to love humans. It is such a satisfying feeling when those little eyes look up at you as if saying “thank you!” Give it a try!"

-Toni A., AWAP Graduate

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