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Meramec Contemporary Art Gallery

About the Gallery

The gallery is a climate controlled 1700 sq. ft. space which hosts a wide array of sculptural, painting, drawing, graphics and installation exhibits throughout the year.

In addition to nationally touring displays and shows by prominent local artists, Meramec's gallery is also the place to see some of St. Louis' most impressive student artwork. A full, continuous schedule of exhibits assures a wide variety of quality artwork throughout the school year.

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Gallery Location
Humanities East Building, Room 133

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Gallery Hours
Monday-Thursday | Noon - 4 p.m.
Or by appointment

Current Exhibit

Annual Faculty Exhibition

This annual display features an array of studies in the media of drawing, ceramics, sculpture, printmaking, photography, digital media, painting, mixed media and graphic design, created by full-time and part-time faculty members at the Meramec campus. 



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Past Exhibits

Chuck Groth: Taking the Long View

Fall 2023

During his three decades as a professor in the graphic design program at STLCC-Meramec, Chuck Groth has gained acclaim as a teacher, artist, author and mentor to many. This exhibit
highlights a wide selection of his paintings and three-dimensional works undertaken during his time at the College.

Juried Student Art Exhibition 

Spring 2023

Outstanding works in studio arts, design and digital media created by STLCC-Meramec students during the 2022-2023 academic school year are featured in this annual exhibit. Technical skills, creativity, and vision across a variety of artistic formats are notable components to the artwork in this culminating celebration of artistic accomplishments.

Kaja Renkas and Eric Olivares: Disappearing Worlds

Spring 2023

Influenced by late 19th century graphic art, Renkas uses
screen printing, graphic design and augmented reality
formats to translate these ideas into a contemporary
world. This exhibition explores a range of her current work,
including collaborations with Belgian artist Iwona
Pomianowska. Also featured, will be work by Eric Olivares
(a Mexican/Spanish poster designer)

Outlaws: Higher Education Faculty Working in Ceramics

Winter 2023

The outlaw, or rebel archetype, is a mainstream invention which essentially fits in the same mold as Jung's hero archetype. The rebel is the explorer and the warrior rolled into one. People with these energies present in their nature break away from conventional norms. Rebel energy emerges in individuals that are outspoken. Whereas it is the energy of the magician that intuits new ideas, it is the outlaw that boldly suggests a radical way of rethinking is needed. As with the explorer, the outlaw recognizes when a need for change is required; either in the physical world and/or within oneself. The energy emerges as the nugget of an idea or a full-blown realization.

Faculty Exhibition

Fall 2022

A special exhibition of work by the art/design faculty of the St. Louis Community College district. An array of explorations in drawing, ceramics, sculpture, printmaking, photography, digital media, painting, mixed media and graphic design will be featured from both full-time and part-time faculty members.

Juried Student Exhibition

Spring 2022

This exhibition features outstanding works in studio arts, design, and digital media created by STLCC-Meramec students in the 2021-2022 academic school year. Ingenuity, creativity and technical skills across a variety of artistic formats will be on display.

Double Vision: Melody Evans/Kimber Mallett

Spring 2022

In the context of an artist’s anxiety and anger over environmental and social ills, do the formal qualities of beauty and design create a sense of equanimity and inspire worthy goals? The two artists in this exhibit grapple with the tension between these ideas through digital prints and mixed-media sculptural objects, seeking to provide a quiet voice that speaks to loud issues.


Winter 2022

This traveling exhibition comprises work of designers from throughout the world who have created posters that address or utilize the word "tolerance." This global art project continues to evolve, reflecting wide variety of cultures and viewpoints. Our gallery exhibition represents the work of over 80 designers from 40 countries.

Juried Student Exhibition

Spring 2021

This exhibition features outstanding works in studio arts, design, and digital media created by STLCC-Meramec students in the 2020-2021 academic school year. Ingenuity, creativity and technical skills across a variety of artistic formats will be on display.

View the Virtual Event

Reverie: Mark Weber, MFA

Spring 2021

Things are not always what they seem. Fish believe that the entire world is filled with water, when there are certainly many worlds beyond…

This exhibit by Mark Weber, MFA, features nearly 40 paintings on canvas and paper.

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Stewart Halperin: Cuba - Life on the Street

Fall 2020

For over 45 years St. Louis-based photographer Stewart D. Halperin has traveled the world with his cameras. His work has taken him to over 90 countries spanning six continents. His recent gallery exhibit "Cuba - Life on the Street" explores Halperin's latest journey to Cuba.

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