Dedicated to nature. Aspirational in the community.
A valuable resource to the community, Master Naturalists share their knowledge through
volunteer and professional opportunities at nature and green facilities throughout
the greater St. Louis area.
Through the Master Naturalist program, you will learn about nature and build a diverse
background of knowledge so you can share this valuable, impactful information with
A meaningful partnership.
The Master Naturalist program is offered in partnership with:
- St. Louis Community College
- Office of Continuing Education
- Biology Department
- Horticulture Department
- EarthWays Center of the Missouri Botanical Garden
- St. Louis Audubon Society
- Missouri Native Plant Society
- North American Butterfly Association
- Endangered Wolf Center
- Forest ReLeaf of Missouri
- The partner list continues to grow!
Become a Master Naturalist.
The Master Naturalist program combines a variety of educational opportunities and
real-world impact through volunteerism. Click on each of the following headlines to
learn more about the program's components:
Completion of five biology, geology, physical science or horticulture related college
credit courses to be selected from the classes listed below. Programs may be taken
as traditional classroom lecture, web-based or hybrid.
- Introductory Biology (BIO: 111)
- Conservation and Ecology (BIO: 117)
- Field Botany (BIO: 119)
- Field Zoology (BIO: 120)
- General Botany (BIO: 124)
- General Zoology (BIO: 110)
- Animal Behavior (BIO:123)
- Ozark Ecology (BIO: 148)
- Marine Biology (BIO: 144)
- Desert Ecology (BIO: 146)
- Introduction to Geology (GEO: 102)
- Earth Science (GEO: 100)
- Environmental Geology (GEO: 103)
- Physical Geology (GEO: 111)
- Soils (HRT:102)
- Ornamental Plants – Trees and Vines (HRT: 206)
- Pest Plant Management (HRT: 227)
- Ornamental Plants – Herbaceous Perennials (HRT: 230)
- Ornamental Plants – Shrubs and Evergreens (HRT:207)
- Plant Propagation (HRT:103)
- Urban Tree Management (HRT:214)
Physical Science
- Introduction to Astronomy (PSI: 111)
- Observational Astronomy (PSI: 115)
- Meteorology (PSI: 123)
- Physical Science (PSI:105)
Additional credit classes not listed here may qualify for the program. Contact Continuing
Education to inquire about other programs. At least one credit class must be taken at St. Louis Community College. Credit classes taken at other educational institutions may qualify towards the certificate
of completion if transferrable to a St. Louis Community College transcript. Individuals
wishing to enroll in college credit courses must complete an Admission Application
or St. Louis Community College Returning Student Information Update form. For more
information, visit our website at or call 314-984-7601. For information
on transferring credit classes call 314-539-5151.
Attend six (6) Continuing Education Master Naturalist designated classes offered through St. Louis Community College in the area of Nature (NATR), Ecology
(ECOL) and/or Landscape and Gardening (HORT).
New courses are offered year-round with topics spanning local natural history, Missouri
native plants, trees, butterflies, birds, astronomy, climate change, weather and more.
Volunteer 25 hours and submit documentation of service from a local nature related
organization. Time may include activities from multiple agencies in Missouri.
Need ideas on where to start? The following local nature-centered nonprofits greatly
appreciate volunteers:
- Open Space Council for the Greater St. Louis Region
- Missouri Botanical Garden
- St. Louis Audubon Society
- Missouri Native Plant Society
- North American Butterfly Association
- Endangered Wolf Center
- Forest ReLeaf of Missouri
- St. Louis Community College, landscaping
Apply for your completion certificate:
After you have completed five credit courses, attended six Continuing Education classes
and have volunteered for 25 hours, you are encouraged to apply for your completion
certificate. This program is not an accredited college degree; however, credit classes
successfully completed may apply toward degree programs available through St. Louis
Community College.
Submit Certificate Completion Form