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In addition to our expansive collection at STLCC Libraries, we have access to millions more resources through MOBIUS, a network of academic and public libraries throughout Missouri and beyond.

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What is a copyright? Use these pages to learn the basics of copyright and fair use.

Interlibrary Loan

If the book or article you need is not available from the library or MOBIUS catalog, or if it is on microfilm, you can request the item via Interlibrary Loan/Document Delivery services.

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Cover of The Guncle Abroad in pink, blue, and lavender

One Author, One Kirkwood

Join us May 21 at 7 p.m. in the Meramec campus theatre when author Steven Rowley brings his paperback tour to STLCC. His latest book, The Guncle Abroad, comes out in paperback on May 20th. His books include Lily & The Octopus, The Guncle, The Celebrants, and more. One Author, One Kirkwood is a partnership with Kirkwood Public Library. 

Libraries Speaker Series logo of book with microphone

Spring 2025 Speaker Series

Register to attend our final Speaker Series event of 2024-25 on Tuesday, March 25 at 3 p.m. Join us as Mr. Dominic Chambers, artist and Florissant Valley Art Department graduate, shares his professional and personal journey in "The Art of Soul Sharing."

Front page of St. Louis American, 12/5-12/11, 2024

St. Louis American

We have two new Best Bets for African American Resources! For coverage of politics, society, and current events with an African American focus, check out our access to the St. Louis American in two different date ranges: 1949-2010 and 2011-present.  



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