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St. Louis Wins Federal 'Build Back Better Regional Challenge" Grant

Friday, September 2, 2022

In partnership with Greater St. Louis, Inc., St. Louis Community College is a member of the St. Louis team that has won a $25 million federal Build Back Better Regional Challenge grant, a big win for the St. Louis metro. The federal grant will unlock the full potential of the region’s advanced manufacturing cluster, fueling its growth and contributing to the continued development of two of the metro’s next generation industries: bioscience and geospatial technology.

For its work to purchase additional advanced manufacturing equipment that will be used in a new building for engineering and advanced manufacturing training at STLCC-Florissant Valley, the College will receive $3 million. Planning for the new building is underway as part of the College’s STLCC Transformed initiative.

“The regional grant award is a great opportunity that will have a positive impact for career training and good jobs for the future,” said Chancellor Jeff L. Pittman, Ph.D., St. Louis Community College. “We are thankful to be part of the winning team for St. Louis and we look forward to continuing to create a better future.”

St. Louis’ proposal – coordinated by Greater St. Louis, Inc. and the St. Louis Economic Development Partnership – was one of only 21 selected to receive a grant, less than 4% of the original applicant pool. In addition to the $25 million federal grant, $16.3 million in local matching funds will go toward the effort, bringing the total investment in the metro, to date, to $41.3 million.

Advanced manufacturing, bioscience and geospatial technology comprise the St. Louis Regional Tech Triangle, which will grow the regional economy through workforce development, community revitalization and locational equity, and innovation and entrepreneurship. Advanced manufacturing and the Tech Triangle align with the strategic recommendations of St. Louis’ Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy and the STL 2030 Jobs Plan.

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