Student Interpreter Services
Do you have a desire to provide communication between you and a deaf or hard of hearing person? Are you deaf or hard of hearing and looking for a student interpreter for an event or family function not covered by ADA? Are you a local theater, community center, church or choir/concert hall that would like to provide access and awareness for the deaf and hard of hearing community?
STLCC DCS Student Interpreter Services is here for you!
About Student Interpreters
Student interpreters are learning a variety of communication modes and systems:
- American Sign Language Interpretation (ASL-based)
- Transliteration (english-based)
- Low Vision ASL and Tactile ASL for Deaf-Blind
- Voicing (english-based) for our non-signing hearing clients
We adhere to ADA law in which requires licensed interpreters. To find out if you need to hire a licensed interpreter, please refer to
- Our student interpreters, are all Certified by the MCDHH as STUDENT Interpreters and bound by the MO State and STLCC Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics.
- Our student interpreters are able to serve in both MO and IL.
- Our student interpreters are actively completing their third year or equivalent of ASL interpreter training. They will have access to a mentor or professor to as questions about the event, ASL and English voicing techniques. Whenever possible we prefer at least two student interpreters for events, but sometimes schedules do not allow for this.
- Feedback is welcome from both deaf and hearing clients. Student interpreters are learning and it is important to have feedback to grow, both positive and negative.
STLCC provides student interpreters at no cost to you. In exchange for our time, your feedback is encouraged.
Coverage cannot be guaranteed. Please provide us with the most advanced notice and complete information possible to increase the chance that a student interpreter will be available for your event.