Start Your Career in Business or Culinary Arts at STLCC
Do you dream of running a restaurant, managing a business, or creating amazing experiences for guests? We can help! Our courses offer hands-on training, expert guidance, and industry connections. With our support, you'll gain the skills you need to succeed and turn your dreams into a rewarding career.

Business, Culinary Arts and Hospitality Programs

Get into accounting with our certificates or degrees. Learn important finance skills.
- Accounting
- Computer Accounting Technology
- Business Administration
Transfer with Focus in Accounting
Find the right path for your career goals with a business degree. Learn more about project management.

Culinary Arts
Learn the art of cooking. Graduate with the skills to make basic or advanced dishes and become a leader in the food service industry.
Join the exciting hospitality industry. Learn about event planning, food and drinks, hotels, and travel.

Find Your Career Path
You can take an assessment to find out which careers match your strengths, interests, and values. See which STLCC programs fit your career goals and explore different paths based on what you want to study at STLCC.
Career Coach helps you learn about common job activities, essential skills, required education, and salary info for your chosen career.
How the Career Coach Assessment Works
- Complete a career assessment
- Explore career options
- Build a resume
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