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Give to STLCC

Consider a donation to STLCC so we can continue our mission of expanding minds and changing lives.

Give to STLCC

Your gifts are vital to the mission of St. Louis Community College. Donations to the Foundation allow the college to assist students and faculty, provide funding for new services and programs and build partnerships with corporate and community leaders.

The college is dedicated to providing a quality, affordable education to all eligible students. Keeping tuition and fees affordable for our students requires the college to look to private donors for the support needed to maintain its excellence.

Foundation Events

Proceeds from the STLCC Foundation events directly benefit students attending St. Louis Community College – scholarships, books, supplies and programs.

See Events 

Alumni Association

An STLCC alum is anyone who has taken at least ONE class. Connect with other STLCC Alumni today.


Options for Giving

Annual Appeal Fund

Your annual gift helps to support student success at STLCC.


Designate your donation to any STLCC scholarship fund, general scholarships or the Scholarship Endowment Fund.


Give a gift in honor or memory of someone important to you.

PTK Dues Scholarship

Your donation helps to offset the cost of international membership in Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society.

In Dr. Worth's Memory

Gifts made in memory of Dr. Worth for student scholarships.

Club Fundraising

Support student clubs and organizations.

Mary Luebke Scholarship

Support students in the Deaf Communication Studies program.

Italian Studies Program

Your gift offsets the cost of student participation in a highly successful, long standing Italian studies program. Students who study abroad are more likely to graduate, earn higher grades and have a broader sense of the world.

STLCC Branded License Plate

Show your school pride everywhere you go with St. Louis Community College license plates! The official STLCC license plate is available to alumni, students, employees, donors and friends in Missouri.

Mark Weber Scholarship

Donations will support aspiring artists at the Wildwood campus.

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