Strategic Plan
A Message from the Chancellor
Jeff L. Pittman, Ph.D.
The process to develop the College’s 2024-2026 strategic plan began in June 2022 with the utilization of an overall strategic management process. During July, a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis was completed by the leadership team. This analysis addressed key questions, including: What do we do well? Where can we improve? What external factors may facilitate College growth? What external factors may be obstacles to growth?
The results of the SWOT analysis were then thoroughly reviewed at a two-day strategic offsite meeting in August with STLCC’s Leadership Team and refined to create the preliminary version of the strategic plan. Students, faculty, staff, and community members had the opportunity to provide input while the preliminary plan was posted on our website. The final version of STLCC’s 2024-2026 Strategic Plan was approved by the Board of Trustees in their June, 2023 meeting and became effective July 1, 2023, the beginning of fiscal year 2024.
2024-2026 Strategic Plan Highlights
- An Exceptional Student Experience – The 2020-2023 Strategic Plan included a premier student experience as a major theme. The 2024-2026 plan continues with student focused efforts, building upon the successes realized from the previous plan.
- Improve Operational Efficiencies – Delivering an exceptional student experience requires consistent and solid execution of college-wide operations, built on a foundation of procedures and systems/automation. The 2024-2026 plan focuses on achieving excellence operationally.
- STLCC as a “Best Place to Work” – The pandemic changed and reshaped the workplace dramatically. We know that STLCC’s employees are highly valued, so this plan focuses on ensuring that we attract, recruit, retain and grow our people professionally as we make the College a “best place to work.”
The 2024-2026 strategic plan is abbreviated when compared to the previous plan. This is by design as it reflects a philosophy of “less is more.” This simply means we want to be highly focused on a limited number of critical elements in the strategic plan. We believe this approach will result in the solid execution and achievement of desired outcomes.
Following are STLCC’s mission, vision, values and current strategic plan with its themes, goals, and projects. The plan will be reviewed and adjusted each year to keep it current, and we invite you to share any ideas you may have with the strategic planning team. Our goal is for the strategic plan to be a living document that guides our daily and longer-term strategic activities to ensure that STLCC is always the best choice to meet the needs of students, continuing education, and the community for years to come.
Jeff L. Pittman, Ph.D., Chancellor
The following were approved by the Board of trustees in their June 29, 2023 meeting.
Empowering students. Expanding minds. Changing lives.
St. Louis Community College will be a national leader and model institution for inclusive and transformative education that strengthens the communities we serve through the success of our students.
Students First
Everything we do supports student success and removes barriers.
Respect for All
We promote equitable treatment and respectful discourse in all interactions with students, each other and the community.
We act with honesty, trustworthiness and ethical behavior.
Working collectively, we achieve more than working individually or within separate groups.
Data Informed
We make decisions in the best interests of students and the institution based on reliable
2024-2026 Strategic Plan: Themes, Goals and Projects
Goal A - Increase enrollment and retention
- Implement Guided Pathways
- Eight deliverables for Fall 2023
- Improved campus life
- Implement reimagined campus cafeteria/food services and a process for collecting feedback on student satisfaction.
- Customer service
- Develop an integrated communications plan based on the student experience.
Goal A - Process documentation, automation and training
- Accounts Payable efficiencies
- Workflow automation
- Payroll efficiencies
- Process optimization and data integrity
- "Fix-It" process for Facilities matters
- Implement Footprints and performance metrics
Goal A - Recognition of STLCC as a "Best Place to Work" in the St. Louis region
- Increased benefit awareness for employees
- Update and implement Total Compensation statements
- Develop a centralized online source for benefit information
- Improve internal communications
- Gather feedback and themes from Engage and Listen sessions to create an employee engagement action plan
- Improve and consolidate district-wide email communication and explore intranet solutions
- Performance Management and professional growth
- Automate and refine the performance management process
- Develop and roll out core management skill training
- Implement a cohesive Learning Management System
Thank you for your interest in STLCC's strategic plan review process. To submit questions or comments, please contact the strategic planning team via email at: