Committed to Sustainability
Our planet, our mission
Since the 1960s, we’ve considered protecting and conserving the environment as an integral part of our mission to serve the community.
We live this responsibility by:
- Promoting green practices and infusing these concepts into specific programs
- Fostering awareness in the community
- Incorporating sustainability into our building and business practices
LEED Certified Facilities
Going Green
We’re constantly trying to reduce our environmental footprint, including:
- Retrofitting light and water sensors to save electricity
- Adding heating and cooling systems to improve efficiencies
- Tracking and analyzing our emissions
- Electric cars on campus grounds and police vehicles
- Evaluating the environmental impact in all contracts
- Partnering with sustainable vendors
- Employing waste management services that recycle
Green Education
Sustainability takes center stage in many of our programs and degrees. Browse our programs to find your fit in a green future.