Writing and making art—doing creative work—can be some of the most mysterious and private activity a person does. But Sycamore allows writers and artists to share their work—and it allows readers and viewers to contemplate and celebrate it.
About Sycamore
Sycamore was introduced more than a decade ago by professors Layla Goushey and Mark Weber. The idea was to design a magazine that would capture and share students’ artistic endeavors, in both creative writing and art.
Over the years, faculty members at Wildwood have continued to develop and refine the publication. Currently, Jason Meyer serves as the faculty editor for Sycamore.
Call for Submissions
Submission Guidelines for Written Works
- Poetry (maximum of 40 lines)
- Fiction (maximum of 1,500 words)
- Creative nonfiction (maximum of 1,500 words)
- Play (maximum of 1,500 words)
Please Note: Artistic works are curated by Patricia Clark through submissions received from students enrolled in art courses at the campus.
Want to Be in the Next Issue of Sycamore?
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