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Pathway to Success

Milestones for Completion Plans for Guided Pathways at STLCC

This guide is designed to show you key actions to take at various milestones in your academic careers and provides you with resources and support you can find at STLCC to help you on your pathway to success.

Career/Degree Track Transfer Student Track

All Tracks

To learn more about getting started at STLCC, you should visit www.stlcc.edu/apply.

  • Complete My Academic Plan (MAP) with your assigned Student Success Advisor
  • Learn time management and learning strategies with our Academic Success & Tutoring staff
  • Complete Career Assessment and Decide on your Major
  • Discuss Financial Aid/Scholarships with Meet with a Financial Aid Counselor
  • Discover Other Student Support Services
  • Join a club and/or organization
  • Get a Study Buddy or join study groups or meet with tutors
  • Visit your professors during office hours

  • Review My Academic Plan (MAP) with your assigned Student Success Advisor
  • Learn more about the Honors program
  • Join study groups or meet with tutors
  • Learn about internship possibilities
  • Celebration of completion of 30 hours (1/2 way there)

  • Review My Academic Plan (MAP) with your assigned Student Success Advisor
  • Check on graduation status
  • Brainstorm scholarship/college application letters at Writing Center
  • Take a leadership role in club and/or organization

  • Review My Academic Plan (MAP) with your assigned Student Success Advisor
  • Check on graduation status
  • Send Transcript
  • Participate in graduation ceremony

Career Track

  • Explore career expectations

  • Discuss informational interview in career field with a Career Specialist
  • Attend career fair
  • Attend Career planning workshop

  • Connect with Career Development for resume, cover letter, and/or mock interview
  • Internships/Co-ops
  • Create a LinkedIn and review professional social media
  • Join study groups or meet with tutors

  • Apply for your future career with the assistance of a Career Specialist

Transfer Track

  • Explore transfer agreements with transfer institution
  • Transfer planning workshop

  • Visit transfer schools
  • Internships/Co-ops
  • Transfer planning workshop

  • Apply to transfer institution

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