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Be a Lifeline in Times of Crisis as an Emergency Medical Technician

St. Louis Community College offers training to become an emergency medical technician (EMT). EMTs are first responders who help people in medical emergencies. Our courses teach you the skills needed to assess patients, administer CPR, manage airways and handle injuries. You’ll also learn how to care for people in different emergency situations.

Whether you want to start a career in emergency medical services or gain valuable life-saving skills, our EMT courses can help you achieve your goals.


Current EMT Course Offerings

STLCC courses include hands-on training in hospitals and on ambulances, where you’ll practice what you’ve learned in real-life situations. These courses prepare you to earn your EMT-Basic license in Missouri and start your career as a health care professional.

EMT 119. Emergency Medical Skills

In this course, students will get hands-on training in the skills needed to work as an EMT. This includes checking patients, keeping their airways open, administering CPR and helping with injuries.

EMT 121. Emergency Care, Principles and Techniques

This class covers everything you need to know to get your EMT-Basic license in Missouri. You’ll learn how to assess and care for people who are sick or injured, deal with emergencies involving children and older adults, help during childbirth, use a defibrillator, move patients safely, handle hazardous materials and use special emergency medical services equipment.

EMT 123. Emergency Medical Technician Clinical I

In this class, students will spend at least 60 hours at hospitals and in ambulances, learning and practicing life-saving skills like CPR, controlling bleeding, managing airways and treating broken bones. You’ll also learn how to properly assess patients in medical or trauma situations, while wearing protective gear.

Next Step, Paramedic

STLCC's paramedic technology programs can advance your first responder knowledge and experience with paramedic skills. 

Explore the Paramedic Technology Programs

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