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Missouri Civics Examination

Beginning fall 2019, all new students who are seeking an associate or bachelor degree are required to take the Missouri Higher Education Civics Achievement Examination, also known as the Missouri Civics Exam (MCE).

What you should know about the Missouri Civics Exam

The exam is a graduation requirement for students at public colleges and universities in the state, and is a result of Missouri Senate Bill 807, which passed in 2018.

At St. Louis Community College, the course is MCE 100: Missouri Civics Exam.

  • Students register for MCE 100 as any other course
  • MCE 100 is zero credit hours; there is no cost
  • Preparation materials are online, hosted on Canvas
  • Students may take the civics exam online as many times as necessary to pass
  • Although the class is zero credit, it must appear on your college transcript
  • MCE 100 will be ready for registration by Aug. 1, 2019
  • Missouri Civics Exam does not apply to students who are seeking certificates

You may enroll in MCE 100 any time after being accepted to STLCC. You do not need to complete any other courses before you register for the exam; it can be the first course you sign up for, if you choose.

Passing MCE 100

After you complete and pass the Missouri Civics Exam, you will receive a notification through Canvas. A faculty member assigned to the course will submit a P/NG in Banner, and it will show up on your academic record at the end of the semester.

Do I really have to take MCE 100: Missouri Civics Exam?

  • My very first college courses were completed in Fall 2019 (or later). Do I have to take this exam?
    • Yes.
  • After graduating from high school/completing my GED, I earned my first STLCC credits prior to Fall 2019 but had to stop out for a few years. Do I have to take this exam?
    • No. You can apply for a waiver.
  • I completed coursework at another college prior to Fall 2019 and then I transferred to STLCC. Do I have to take this exam?
    • If your transfer courses were completed after high school completion and prior to Fall 2019, you do not have to take the exam. Instead, you can apply for a waiver.
    • If your transfer courses were from Fall 2019 or later, you must complete this requirement.
  • I’m still in high school and taking dual credit/enrollment. I plan to earn a degree at STLCC. Do I have to take this exam?
    • Yes.
  • I’m still in high school and taking dual credit/enrollment, but don’t plan to complete my degree at STLCC. Do I have to take this exam?
    • If you plan to complete an associate degree at another public college or university in Missouri, you will have to comply with their requirements.
    • If you change your mind and decide to complete your degree at STLCC, you will need to take the MCE.


Please speak with your academic advisor, faculty, counselor or admissions staff if you have questions about the Missouri Civics Exam.

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