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Borrowing From Other Libraries

Can't find what you're looking for?

If the book or article you need is not available from the library or MOBIUS catalog, or if it is on microfilm, use the button below to request the item via Interlibrary Loan/Document Delivery services. (Note: We reserve the right to limit the number of requests accepted from an individual.)

Request It!

How do I check for the item before I request it?

Do you need a journal article?

Use Archer Search on our home page to see if the journal is available in print or electronic form at STLCC.

If the article is only available at another campus library, or if it is not available at STLCC Libraries, send us a request.

Do you need a book?

Check our catalog to see if STLCC owns the title. If the book you want is only available at another campus, you may request it here

If the title is not available through our catalog, check MOBIUS before making an Interlibrary Loan request. You can request items directly from MOBIUS and have them delivered to your campus library.

If the title is unavailable through our catalog, send us a request.

Do you want to know more?

Check out our Borrowing From Other Libraries FAQs.

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