Enrollment Services Counselors
*Individuals with speech or hearing impairments may call via Relay Missouri by dialing 711 to reach any campus.
The Enrollment Services office has counselors available to assist students through the financial aid process. Students may contact any counselor, at any campus. It is important to us for students to get the assistance you need to complete the financial aid process. As part of our outreach program, counselors may contact students via phone, mail, or email. There are Enrollment Services managers on each campus to provide guidance for students with exceptional circumstances.
Enrollment Services office locations: Florissant Valley (FV)-Administration Bldg.; Forest Park (FP)-Student Center; Meramec (MC)-Admin/Clark Hall; and Wildwood (WW).
Team Member | Role | Campus | Phone/Email |
Christine Scott | Counselor I | FP | 314-644-9123 cscott117@stlcc.edu |
Edmond O’Neil | Counselor II | FP | 314-644-9013 eoneil5@stlcc.edu |
Elisha Stokes | Campus Manager | FP | 314-644-9120 estokes17@stlcc.edu |
Erica Raspberry | Counselor I | FP | 314-951-9403 eraspberry1@stlcc.edu |
Latoya Smith | Counselor I | FP | 314-644-9075 lsmith727@stlcc.edu |
Mary Cobb |
Selective Programs |
FP | 314-644-9126 macobb@stlcc.edu |
Meagan Clontz | Counselor I | FP | 314-951-9400 mclontz1@stlcc.edu |
Mike Zubiena | Counselor II | FP | 314-644-9048 mzubiena1@stlcc.edu |
Najla Bracey | Counselor II | FP | 314-644-9134 nbracey@stlcc.edu |
Paul Matthews | Counselor I | FP | 314-644-9743 pmatthews8@stlcc.edu |
Jasmine Tyus | Counselor I | FP | 314-644-9105 jtyus5@stlcc.edu |
Ashley Kozar | Fed. Work Study | FV | 314-513-4915 akozar1@stlcc.edu |
Chad Shade | Campus Manager | FV | 314-513-4248 cshade2@stlcc.edu |
Helen Brown | Counselor I | FV | 314-513-4240 hbrown@stlcc.edu |
John Mason | Counselor I | FV | 314-513-4243 jmason@stlcc.edu |
Kehven Williams | Counselor II | FV | 314-513-4917 kwilliams752@stlcc.edu |
Leah James | Counselor II | FV | 314-513-4238 ljames58@stlcc.edu |
Mattie Fay | Counselor II | FV | 314-513-4016 mfay6@stlcc.edu |
Willie Banks | Counselor I | FV | 314-513-4232 wbanks@stlcc.edu |
Cheryl Groeller | Counselor I | MC | 314-984-7647 cgroeller@stlcc.edu |
Julie Scalise | Counselor II | MC | 314-984-7646 jscalise10@stlcc.edu |
Katie Schaben | Counselor II | MC | 314-984-7924 kschaben@stlcc.edu |
Luke Maurer | Counselor I | MC | 314-984-7502 smaurer21@stlcc.edu |
Meaghan Karl | Counselor I | MC | 314-984-7496 mkarl13@stlcc.edu |
Nicole Moore | State Aid Coord. | MC | 314-984-7652 kmoore399@stlcc.edu |
Paula Pfeiffer | Counselor I | MC | 314-984-7602 ppfeiffer@stlcc.edu |
Shaine Requadt | Campus Manager | MC | 314-984-7608 srequadt@stlcc.edu |
Taylor Livers | Counselor I | MC | 314-984-7497 tlivers4@stlcc.edu |
Tonji Siegel | Counselor II | MC | 314-984-9644 tsiegel8@stlcc.edu |
Brandon Armstrong | Counselor I | MC | 314-984-7605 barmstrong29@stlcc.edu |
Karen Gosney | Counselor I | SC | 314-984-7202 kgosney@stlcc.edu |
Marquita Smith | Counselor I | SC | 314-984-7203 msmith1168@stlcc.edu |
Beth Fillenwarth | Counselor I | WW | 314-422-2004 bfillenwarth@stlcc.edu |
Harriet Johnston | Counselor II | WW | 314-422-2006 hjohnston17@stlcc.edu |
Mary Meyer | Counselor I | WW | 314-422-2002 mmeyer295@stlcc.edu |
Naomi Mosley | Counselor I | WW | 314-422-2003 nmosley7@stlcc.edu |
Veronica White | Campus Manager | WW | 314-422-2010 vwhite12@stlcc.edu |