Selective Admissions
Standards of admission and retention have been established for certain programs and courses to make sure students have the necessary aptitude and background for success.
Students applying for a program with selective admissions criteria may be required to take additional tests for admission purposes and/or meet certain requirements to continue in the program.
The number of students who can be accepted into these programs is limited. Because of this, admission is selective and based upon the completion of the minimum program prerequisites. Once students have completed the program prerequisites, they are eligible to apply for admission into the program. Students are admitted into the program based on the order their application was received.
Learn more about specific program prerequisites for these limited enrollment programs:
- Clinical Laboratory Technology
- Dental Hygiene
- Diagnostic Medical Sonography
- Funeral Service Education
- Nursing
- Occupational Therapy Assistant
- Paramedic Technology
- Physical Therapist Assistant
- Radiologic Technology
- Respiratory Care
- Surgical Technology
Many of our selective admissions have waitlists. Contact the department or an academic advisor for program specific information.