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Add or Drop a Class

As a registered student, you have the flexibility to make changes to your schedule during the first week of the semester – known as Add/Drop Week.

Things to Know About Add/Drop Week

  • Review the Withdraw/Refund Schedule[BROKEN LINK] to learn more about your eligibility for a refund.
  • Add/Drop Week is the first week of each semester.
  • Add/Drop Week applies only to full-term, 16-week classes.
  • You can add and drop classes during this time without penalty.
  • You can add and drop classes yourself through our Mobile App, Banner Self Service, or receive assistance on campus an any Enrollment Services office.
  • Online registration closes once the add/drop deadline has passed.
  • If you add a class, payment is due upon registration.
  • After you've added or dropped a class, check your schedule in Banner to ensure the change was made.


Add/Drop Week is the first week of each semester. Add/Drop Week applies only to full-term, 16-week classes.

Enrollment in Late Start and 2nd 8-Week classes is open until the class's start date. You will not be able to enroll in a Late Start or 2nd 8-Week class after the class has started.

No. Add/Drop Week applies only to full-term, 16-week classes. Check the Part-of-Term field to make sure the class you want to add is a full-term class.

Students are encouraged to use Banner Self-Service to add and drop classes. If you need assistance with this process, contact an Enrollment Services office. You can also add/drop classes by filling out an Drop/Add/Withdrawal form and submitting it to Enrollment Services.

There are several things you should do to be ready to attend your new class. Keep in mind that one or more class meetings may have already occurred and it's important that you get caught up as soon as possible. We recommend that you take the following actions:

  • Send an email to your instructor and ask what you should do to get caught up.
  • Check with the bookstore to make sure you have the right book for the class.
  • Submit a new Financial Aid Course Audit Verification form in Banner Self-Service

Contact the Enrollment Services office or Advising right away for help moving into a different section.

Yes, it's possible that adding or dropping a class could affect your financial aid. We recommend that you check with the Enrollment Services office before you add or drop a class.

College offices are closed on the weekends, so we recommend that you complete your schedule changes during regular office hours.

As long as you drop the class during Add/Drop Week, you will receive a 100% refund of what you have already paid for the class. Keep in mind that you may owe fees for classes you add to your schedule during Add/Drop Week and that payment is due immediately. Check Banner Self-Service to see if you have any fees still due. Contact the Cashier's office if you need assistance with your bill.

The schedule below shows the refund rates for classes dropped during the semester. This schedule applies only to full-term, 16-week classes.

  • 1st week of the semester - you can drop* classes without penalty
  • 2nd week of the semester - you can withdraw* from classes and receive an 80% refund
  • 3rd week of the semester - you can withdraw* from classes and receive a 50% refund
  • After the 3rd week - no refund

Check with Enrollment Services for information about withdrawal/refund guidelines for Late Start and 2nd 8-week classes. *All weeks end on Friday.

Drops occur before classes start or during Add/Drop Week. The Drop period means you receive a 100% refund and the course will not appear on your college transcript.

After the first week of the semester, you can withdraw from a class. Depending on when you withdraw, you may receive a partial refund. The class will appear on your transcript with a W grade and count toward your attempted hours.

Contact Enrollment Services

Enrollment Services offices are open Monday through Thursday from 8 a.m.-6 p.m and Friday from 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. on all campuses (hours may change in June and July). Enrollment Services can be contacted at the district-wide phone number 314-539-5005 or by email at EnrollmentServices@stlcc.edu.

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