No, it is free! We provide books, learning materials, and meals so that each student may complete their work in the program. Upward Bound college tours and cultural events also completely free!
Upward Bound offers many services throughout the year. Our two components include:
During the academic year, students will have access to their Upward Bound counselors at their high school. Students will also attend classes two Saturdays a month specifically designed for academic and personal development. Saturday sessions are held at the St. Louis Community College-Forest Park campus. Academic year services include:
Consisting of a six-week academic enrichment program, Upward Bound students participate in classes designed to prepare them for a rigorous academic curriculum. The Academy is held at the St. Louis Community College-Forest Park campus. Upward Bound students can also participate in college tours and cultural enrichment activities during the six-week program. Upward Bound Seniors who recently graduated high school have the opportunity to participate in the Upward Bound Bridge component. Students that successfully complete the bridge component can earn college credit!
This application will require your parent's signature and parent information. Please take time to complete all fields that are required to determine your eligibility for Upward Bound.
No, it is free! We provide books, learning materials, and meals so that each student may complete their work in the program. Upward Bound college tours and cultural events also completely free!
We're glad you ask! Upward Bound provides advising at your high school and after school tutoring. We also meet every other Saturday, October - April, for classes from 9 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Forest park campus. We keep outside work to a minimum, with most activities done in class.
You are eligible to join Upward Bound if you go to Confluence Academy, Roosevelt High School, or Soldan High School, meet federal income guidelines and are a potential first-generation college student. If you're interested in college prep but don't qualify for Upward Bound, the STLCC's Early College Program may be right for you instead.
We provide additional instruction in math, reading/English, science, college prep, and personal finance. Our Upward Bound Counselors also help with advising, applying to colleges, scholarships and federal financial aid. Basically, we try to provide tips and tools that help you graduate high school and enroll in college!
Upward Bound work-study provides students an opportunity to learn about different career fields through job shadowing, internships, or by participating in our Virtual Job Shadow program. This is usually done at our Summer Academy and students can earn stipends for participating.
Monday-Friday | 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Two Saturdays a month | 9 a.m.-1:30 p.m.