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Dual Credit Teachers

Dual Credit Teachers

You’re already preparing your students for college. Now, partner with STLCC to offer your students college credit for the work they’re already doing!

What is Dual Credit?

Dual credit classes are college credit classes taught by high school teachers. Our dual credit team works with you to align your course content with our course profiles. This allows your students to earn college credit for the great work they’re doing in your classroom!

Why Teach Dual Credit?

save thousands of dollars

Save Your Students Thousands

Dual credit classes cost just $25 per credit hour. By taking just one dual credit class in high school, students can save hundreds – sometimes thousands – in college costs.

proud teacher

Prepare Your Students for Future Success

Offering a dual credit class prepares your students for the rigors of college after high school. It not only equips students with the needed academic skills – it also shows colleges how capable your students are!

college professionals

Connect with Other College Professionals

As a dual credit instructor, you’ll be connected with an STLCC faculty expert as well as a network of other dual credit instructors across the region. Learn from each other, swap ideas, and attend enriching professional development sessions each year.


Apply to Teach Dual Credit

Current Instructor Resources

All dual credit teachers for the 2024-2025 school year are required to attend the STLCC Dual Credit Launch event on Aug. 10, 8:30-11:30 a.m. (times tentative)

The anticipated agenda includes:

Time Activity
8:30-9 a.m. Check In Opens, Breakfast Served
9-9:50 a.m.  Administrative Training
9:50-10 a.m. Break
10-11 a.m.

Professional Development / 

Counselor Training

11-11:30 a.m.

Course-Specific Training

(for new instructors and instructors teaching new courses)

Your dual credit syllabus must follow STLCC guidelines and reflect your STLCC course profile.

Start Term Syllabus Due Date
Fall 2024 August 30, 2024
Spring 2025 Jan. 24, 2025

Syllabi are now created in SYL. Several weeks prior to the syllabus due date, you will receive instructions via email that explain how to log on, edit, and publish your syllabus using this new software. 

Looking for published, final copies of syllabi? Check out our online syllabus repository.

Dates, deadlines, and instructions for dual credit registration can be found on our main Dual Credit webpage.

Faculty Liaison



Kimberleigh Foster Biology (BIO) kfoster92@stlcc.edu
Betsy Boedeker Biotechnology (BIO) Eboedeker@stlcc.edu
Markus Ahrens

Accounting (ACC), Business (BUS), Finance (FIN)

Kendra White-Drayton Chemistry (CHM) kwhitedrayton@stlcc.edu
Molly Bene Communications (COM) mbene6@stlcc.edu
Ruth Eilerman Criminal Justice (CRJ) reilerman1@stlcc.edu
Michael Downey Culinary (CUL) MDowney@stlcc.edu
Nicholas Miller Emergency Medical Technology (EMT) nmiller52@stlcc.edu
Ellen Usher English (ENG) eusher@stlcc.edu
Elizabeth Rosebrough English (ENG) erosebrough@stlcc.edu
Burnette McNamee French (FRE) bmcnamee5@stlcc.edu
John Macke Geology (GEO) jmacke@stlcc.edu
Bijan Pashaie Geospatial Technology (GST) bpashaie@stlcc.edu
Patricia Sherman Health Information Management (HIM) psheman@stlcc.edu
Wayne Bryan Health and Wellness (HW) wbryan@stlcc.edu
Erin Mingin History (HST) emignin@stlcc.edu
John Fallah Human Services (HMS) jfallah1@stlcc.edu
Phyllis Davis Information Systems (IS)
Information Technology (IT)
Simon Langrehr Mathematics (MTH) SLangrehr@stlcc.edu
Russell Murray Mathematics (MTH) rhmurray@stlcc.edu
Joe Pastor Music (MUS) jpastor1@stlcc.edu
Emily Lasek Personal Development (PRD) ELasek@stlcc.edu
  Political Science (PSC)  
Glenna Gelfand Smart Start (STR) ggelfand@stlcc.edu
Burnette McNamee Spanish (SPA) bmcnamee5@stlcc.edu
Molle Bene Theatre (THT) mbene6@stlcc.edu

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Contact dualcredit@stlcc.edu for assistance.

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