This model helps students complete their college degree on time! Instead of spending 2 or more terms on developmental education, students can knock it out in one!
Fast Track to Success: Co-Req Scheduling
STLCC has a co-requisite model to allow students to enroll in credit math, English and other credit courses right away, so long as they're enrolled in the developmental support course. Our co-req schedule helps students to accelerate their developmental education and complete their college degree on time!
Eligibility is based on high school GPA and placement test. Go to our Pre-Req Webpage to learn more!
Contact our Academic Advising department early to get help with registration. The earlier you start this process, the more likely you are to get enrolled in your desired sections.
No. Students enrolled in ENG 079 and ENG 101 cannot drop the 079 section and remain in ENG 101. These courses are co-requisites, which means they MUST be taken together. If you drop one, you must drop both.
No. Students enrolled in RDG 079 and HST 102, for example, cannot drop RDG 079 and remain in HST 102. These courses are co-requisites, which means they MUST be taken together. If you drop one, you must drop both.
Students who fail to earn a C or higher in their college-level class will be required to take RDG 079 again.
Co-requisite class sections are listed on our Interactive Class Schedule. If a class requires a specific co-requisite section, this information will be listed in the section note. If it is considered an "open co-requisite", this means that students may enroll for the listed course and one of the options listed in the note. Enrollment assistance is required when enrolling for an open co-req course.